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A riport szöveget a kép alatt találod meg, néhány kifejezés magyar megfelelőjével együtt.











Hungary snow strands 10,000 motorway drivers


Snow - not unexpected in Eastern Europe at this time of year. But after a relatively mild winter so far this vicious icy blast caught many – including the emergency services– by surprise. Major roads across the country were blocked by snowdrifts of up to 3 metres as winds gusted to a 100 km/h. Dozens of villages in the western of the country remained cut off. The Hungarian Red Cross puts the number of people stranded overnight on the M1 motorway at 10,000 many of them foreigners travelling between Budapest and Vienna. Jammed trucks added to the chaos. At least 2 people were killed and many others injured in a series of collisions. Hungary’s Disaster Management Agency says more than 12,000 stranded travellers have taken refuge in heated emergency shelters. Some of those marooned used Facebook to appeal for help. Many abandoned their vehicles altogether. But some are reported to be still awaiting help. For them the troops cannot come soon enough.


unexpected = váratlan

a relatively mild = viszonylag enyhe

icy blast = jeges széllökés

caught by surprise = meglepetésként ért

snowdrifts = hótorlasz

gust = széllökés, szélroham

remained cut off = elzárva maradt

stranded = (valahol) bent reked, elakad

collision = ütközés

Disaster Management Agency = Katasztrófavédelem

take refuge = menedéket lel

shelter = oltalom, menedék

maroon = kb. fogságba esni

appeal = folyamodik (valamihez)

abandoned = elhagyott

troop = (mentő)csapat


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