Michael Palin, 75, has been knighted in Britain's New Year's Honours List.
The comedian becomes the first member of the Monty Python show to receive a top honour after fellow star John Cleese previously declined, describing the system as “silly”.
Palin's knighthood recognises his successful career…
The Gift Wrapping scene with Rowan Atkinson (Rufus) from Love Actually
Címkék: Rowan Atkinson Alan Rickman Love Actually
2018.12.29. 11:59
Looking for anything in particular, sir?- Yes, um- That necklace there. How much is it?- lt's £270.- Um, all right. Uh, l'll have it.- Lovely.- Would you like it... gift-wrapped?- Uh, yes. All right. - Lovely.- Let me just pop it in the box. There.- Look, could we be quite quick?- Certainly, sir.…
Goth latte
- a kind of beverage that looks as misanthropic as you feelmisanthropic [mɪsnθrɔpɪk] = emberkerülő, embergyűlölőIt is made from activated charcoal, an ingredient that's a lot healthier than it sounds). Charcoal is thought to help rid the body of unwanted substances because toxins get…
For many, ’A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols’ from King’s College, Cambridge, is when Christmas begins.
Listened to by millions of people around the world, it starts with a chorister singing the first verse of ’Once In Royal David’s City’.
The priest who introduced this service to King’s…
Barbie is 59 years old this year10 facts about Barbie1. She was created in 1959.2. The doll’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.3. Her boyfriend, Ken, showed up two years after Barbie in 1961.4. Barbie has represented more than 40 different nationalities.5. Barbie has more than 130 careers over…
Five scary idioms:1. to ghost someone = to end a romantic relationship suddenly and without telling the other person2. you could murder something = you really want something (food or drink)3. dying for something = you really want something (but does not refer only to food or drink)4. something is…
BREXIT and 19 Other FRANKENWORDS - 21 Portmanteau words (a word formed by combining two other words)
Címkék: Portmanteau words
2018.12.28. 23:01
21 Portmanteau words (a word formed by combining two other words):1. carjack [car+hijack] = to attack the owner of a car in order to steal to steal it from them2. hangry [hungry+ angry] = a feeling of anger caused by hunger3. brunch [breakfast+lunch] = a meal in between breakfast and lunch4. Brexit…
A stitch in time saves nine / Amit ma megtehetsz, ne halaszd holnapraIt is better to act or deal with problems immediately, because if you wait and deal with them later, things will get worse and the problems will take longer to deal with
(1) = firmly fixed or not likely to move or change / stabil
(2) = a building in which horses are kept / istálló
I.e. and e.g. are both Latin abbreviations.I.e. is the abbreviation for id est and means “in other words.”: "The hotel is closed during low season, i.e. from October to March."E.g. stands for exempli gratia and means “for example.”"You should eat more food that contains a lot of fibre, e.g. fruit,…
Home Alone Again with the Google Assistant
Címkék: Kevin Macaulay Culkin Home Alone Google Assistant
2018.12.28. 22:44
Nincs karácsony Kevin nélkül.....:)
A felnőtt Kevin egy új, de egyben régi szerepben:
KEVIN: Mom? Dad?Hey, Google, what’s on my calendar today?GOOGLE: You have one event called „House to Yourself”KEVIN: Oh, yeah.Hey, Google, add aftershave to my shopping list.Hey, Google, remind me to clean these…