Idioms about friendship / Barátsággal kapcsolatos kifejezések
Címkék: barátság friendship idioms
2019.02.10. 09:25
like two peas in a pod = úgy hasonlítanak egymásra, mint két tojás
to bury the hatchet = elásni a csatabárdot
a shoulder to cry on = lelki támasz
to see eye to eye with someone = egyetérteni valakivel
to build bridges = baráti kapcsolatokat létrehozni
to be as sick as thieves = puszipajtás,…
Five scary idioms:1. to ghost someone = to end a romantic relationship suddenly and without telling the other person2. you could murder something = you really want something (food or drink)3. dying for something = you really want something (but does not refer only to food or drink)4. something is…