bangs [bæŋz] = frufru
braid [breɪd] = copf
bun [bʌn] = konty a fejtetőn
buzzcut [bʌnt] = kefefrizura
cornrows [kɔːn.rəʊ] = raszta haj, afrofonás
updo [ʌp.duː] = oldalkonty
layers [ˈleɪ.ə] = fokozatosan vágott
perm [pɜːm/] = dauerolt
spiky [ˈspaɪ.ki] = tüsi
flat top [flæt.tɒp] = a fejtetőn…
Days of the week IDIOMS
Címkék: Black Friday Blue Monday Cyber Monday Black Monday Girl Friday Man Friday
2019.01.29. 06:20
Monday morning feeling:
the feeling after the weekend when no-one wants to go to work or school
„I’ve got that Monday morning feeling”
Black Monday: Monday, October 28, 1929, when the price of shares on the New York Stock Exchange lost a lot of their value, causing very serious economic…
Further expressions with time:
about time = épp ideje
as time goes by = idővel, az idő előrehaladtával
at the same time = ugyanakkor, egyben
at the time = akkor
at times = időnként, olykor
for the time being = egyelőre, jelenleg
from time to time = időről időre,…
Alternative Math | Short Film
Címkék: short film Alternative math Alternatív matematika
2019.01.19. 10:26
Oh, hi Danny come on in.
Looks like you’re having some trouble with addition.
Now don’t be upset.
You’re here to learn. And we learn from mistakes.
Everybody makes mistakes.
Look at this question here.
What is 2 + 2?
See you wrote 22.
But when we do addition we don’t just put the…