Looking for anything in particular, sir?
- Yes, um- That necklace there. How much is it?
- lt's £270.
- Um, all right. Uh, l'll have it.
- Lovely.
- Would you like it... gift-wrapped?
- Uh, yes. All right. 
- Lovely.
- Let me just pop it in the box. There.
- Look, could we be quite quick?
- Certainly, sir. Ready in the flashiest of flashes. There. 
- It's great.
- Not quite finished.
- Look, actually, l-l don't need a bag. l'll just put it in my pocket.
- Oh, this isn't a bag, sir. 
- Really?
- This is so much more than a bag. Ooh!
- Could we be quite quick, please?
- Prontissimo.
- What's that? 
- It's a cinnamon stick, sir.
- Actually, l really, uh, can't wait. 
- Oh, you won't regret it, sir.
- Wanna bet?
- 'Tis but the work of a moment.
- There we are. Almost finished.
- Almost finished? What else's gonna be? Are you gonna dip it in yogurt? Cover it with chocolate buttons?
- Oh, no, sir. We're going to pop it in the Christmas box.
- But I don't want a Christmas box. 
- But you said you wanted it gift-wrapped.
- l did, but... 
-This is the final flourish.
- Can I just pay? 
- All we need now...
- Oh, God! 
- ...is a sprig of holly.
- No. No. No. No. No bloody holly. 
- But, sir, the...
- Leave it, leave it, just leave it.
- Ooh, loitering around the jewellery section, I see.
- No, I was just looking around, you know.
- Don’t worry. My expectations are not that high.

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