Ha szereted a mozit és a filmeket , ez a feladat nem lehet túl nehéz még angolul sem:)
from: www.dreamstime.com
Complete the sentences with a word from the table:
a)blockbuster |
b)cartoon |
c)a film buff |
d)footage |
e)heart-throb |
f)masterpiece |
g)classification |
h)producer |
i)release |
j)romcom |
k)screenplay |
l)spoiler |
m)stuntman |
n)trailer |
o)typecast |
I saw the ............. for the latest Spielberg movie.
Some disturbing ......... of the terror attack was shown on the evening news.
A ....................... is a person who performs dangerous acts in a film, television programme, etc in place of an actor.
Brad Pitt is many of my female friends' .......................
She soon found herself .................... as a silly blonde.
Each country has its own ............................... system to help parents determine which movies their children can watch.
He's such a ....................... that he owns over 3,000 movies.
................. is a short word for a romantic comedy.
The Fifth Element was a ................ and made Milla Jovovich into well-known actress.
Before coming back to Hungary Andy Vajna was a Hollywood movie .........................
The new James Bond movie will be ................. on the 6th November 2015.
The review contains a few ................., so don't read it if you haven't seen the movie.
In childhood my favourite ....................... was Tom and Jerry.
Who wrote the ........................... of the movie"Match Point"?
The original Psycho directed by Alfred Hitchcock was a movie ......................
Answers: 1-n; 2-d; 3-m; 4-e; 5-o; 6-g; 7-c; 8-j; 9-a; 10-h; 11-i; 12-l; 13-b; 14-k; 15-f
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