Interesting Christmas Facts

Címkék: Christmas

2013.12.17. 12:51

Néhány érdekesség a karácsonyról:

Interesting Christmas Facts:


1.   The first Christmas was celebrated on December 25, AD 336 in Rome.


2.   The earliest known Christmas tree decorations were apples and nuts.


3.   The Germans made the first artificial Christmas trees.


4.   The world's tallest Christmas tree (67,3m) was erected in Seattle in 1950.


5.   The most expensive Christmas tree was decorated in the United Arab

       Emirates in 2010 at an estimated cost of over $11 million.


6.   In Poland, spiders or spider webs are common Christmas trees decorations

      because according to legend, a spider wove a blanket for Baby Jesus.


7.   Santa Claus is based on a real person, St. Nikolas of Myra (Turkey).


8.   The first person to decorate a Christmas tree was reportedly the Protestant

      reformer Martin Luther.


9.   Because they viewed Christmas as a decadent Catholic holiday, the Puritans

      in America banned all Christmas celebrations from 1659-1681.

      Puritan Oliver Cromwell outlawed Christmas celebrations in England from



10. The holiday Boxing Day was originally celebrated in England for the servants

      to the rich people. After Christmas, the servants “boxed up” all the

      leftovers from the rich people and bring them home.


11. President Teddy Roosevelt, an environmentalist, banned Christmas trees

     from the White House in 1912.


12. It is estimated that the single “White Christmas” by Irving Berlin is the best

       selling single of all time, with over 100 million sales worldwide.


13. Christmas purchases account for 1/6 of all retail sales in the U.S.


14. According to data analysis, two weeks before Christmas is one of the two

     most popular times for couples to break up. However, Christmas Day is

     the least favourite day for breakups.


15. Contrary to popular belief, suicide rates during the Christmas

       holiday are low. The highest rates are during the spring.



The earliest known = a legkorábban ismert

artificial = mű

to be erected = emelve

an estimated cost = hozzávetőleges összeg

spider webs = pókhálók

to weave / wove / woven = szőni

blanket = takaró

reportedly = állítólag

to ban = betiltani

outlaw = törvényen kívül helyezni, betiltani

servant = szolga

boxed up = dobozba rakni, bedobozolni

leftover = maradék (étel)

environmentalist = környezetvédő

best selling single of all time = minden idők legkelendőbb kislemeze

worldwide = világszerte

purchase = vásárlás

retail sales = kiskereskedelmi forgalom

according to data analysis = az adatok elemzése szerint

popular = népszerű

couple = pár

to break up = szakítani

the least favourite = a legkevésbé kedvelt

breakup = szakítás

contrary to popular belief = közhiedelemmel ellentétben

suicide rate = öngyilkossági arány

during the Christmas holiday = a karácsonyi ünnepek alatt

low = alacsony

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