Sydney Opera House turns 40

Címkék: Sydney Opera House

2013.10.28. 06:33

40 évvel ezelőtt, 1973-ban készült el Ausztrália legnagyobb városának egyik jelképe, a Sydney Opera Ház.



10 érdekesség az épületről:

1. 233 designs were submitted for the Opera House design competition held in 1956.

2. In January 1957, a Danish architect, Jørn Utzon was announced the winner. He won ₤5000 for his design.

3. The final cost of Sydney Opera House was $102 million which was largely paid for by a State Lottery.

4. Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 20th October, 1973.

5. The highest roof shell of Sydney Opera House is 67 metres above sea-level, the equivalent of a 22 storey building.

6. The building is 187 metres in length, 115 metres wide and has over 1 million tiles on the roof.

7. Eight Boeing 747s could sit wing to wing on the site.

8. The main concert hall can seat almost 2,700 people and contains one of the world’s largest organs – it has 10,000 pipes.

9. Prokofievs War and Peace was the first performance by The Australian Opera's production.

10. In 2007 it became a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

to submit = bead (pl. pályázatot)

to announce = kihirdetni

equivalent = megfelelő, egyenértékű

tile = csempe

organ = orgona

pipe =(orgona)síp 

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