The Shard

Címkék: felhőkarcoló skyscraper London The Shard

2013.02.15. 06:26

Február 1-jén Boris Johnson, London polgármestere hivatalosan is megnyitotta az Európai Unió legmagasabb felhőkarcolójának számító The Shard (Üvegszilánk) kilátóját.

The-Shard.jpgNéhány érdekesség az épületről:

1. The Shard is a 95-storey (310 metres) skyscraper in London.

2. It is the tallest building in the European Union, and the second-tallest in Europe, after Moscow's Mercury City Tower.

3. Its construction began in March 2009; it was completed on 30 March 2012

4. It was inaugurated on 5 July 2012.

5. It opened to the public on 1 February 2013

6. It was mainly funded by Qatari investors.

7. It has 11,000 glass panels.

8. The area of the glass façade is 56,000 sq metres, which equals eight football pitches.

9. There are 44 lifts, including double-decker lifts.

10. There are 306 flights of stairs.

11. 95% of the construction materials are recycled

12. 20% of the steelwork is from recycled sources

13. It is fitted with a combined heat and power plant, operating on natural gas.

14 . The layout of the building:

- ground floor and first floor: public area

- 2nd and 3st floor: retail units

- 4th -28th floor: offices and winter gardens

- 31st - 33rd floor: restaurants

- 34th - 52nd floor: Shangri-La Hotel and Spa

- 53rd - 65th floor: 10 exclusive residences

- 68th - 72nd floor: public observation galleries

15. Entry fee for the observatory:  £24.95


Source: The Guardian



construction [kənˈstrʌkʃən] = építkezés

inauguration [ɪˌnɔː.gjʊˈreɪ.ʃən] = felavatás, megnyitás

fund [fʌnd] = pénzügyi támogatás

glass panel [ˈpænəl] = üvegpanel

facade [fəˈsɑːd] = homlokzat

equal [ ˈiːkwəl] = megegyezik, egyenlő

football pitch [pɪtʃ] = futballpálya

double-decker [ˌdʌblˈdekər] = kétszintes

flight of stairs = lépcsőkar

recycled [ˌriːˈsaɪkld] = újrahasznosított

steelwork [ˈstiːl.wɜːk] = acélszerkezet

source [sɔːs] = forrás

fit with = ellátva valamivel

power plant = erőmű

natural gas = földgáz

layout [ˈleɪaʊt] = elrendezés, beosztás

retail unit = kiskereskedelmi egység (üzlet)

residence [ˈrezɪdəns] = rezidencia, lakóhely, lakás

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