Types of people couch potato [ˈkaʊtʃ pəˌteɪ.təʊ] = léhűtő, naplopó, lusta, semmirekellő busybody[ˈbɪz.iˌbɒd.i] = fontoskodó, izgága behind the times [bɪˈhaɪnd ðə taɪmz]= maradi, ódivatú, régimódi worrywart [ˈwʌr.i.wɔːt] = borúlátó, aggodalmaskodó down-to-earth [daʊn.tuːˈɜːθ] = gyakorlatias,…
to take a coat = elvinni egy kabátot to leave a coat = ott hagyni (valahol) egy kabátot to buy a coat = venni egy kabátot to inherit a coat = örökölni egy kabátot to put on your coat = felvenni a kabátod to take off your coat = levenni a kabátod to turn your coat inside out = kifordítani a…
flour [flaʊər] = liszt fudge [fʌdʒ] = tejkaramella gateau [ˈɡæt.əʊ] = (gyümölcs) torta gravy [ˈɡreɪ.vi] = (barna)mártás ham [hæm] = sonka hamburger [hæmˌbɜː.ɡər] = hamburger herb [hɜːb] = fűszer/gyógynövény honey [hʌn.i] = méz hotdog = hotdog icecream = jégkrém jam [dʒæm] = lekvár jelly…
bangs [bæŋz] = frufru braid [breɪd] = copf bun [bʌn] = konty a fejtetőn buzzcut [bʌnt] = kefefrizura cornrows [kɔːn.rəʊ] = raszta haj, afrofonás updo [ʌp.duː] = oldalkonty layers [ˈleɪ.ə] = fokozatosan vágott perm [pɜːm/] = dauerolt spiky [ˈspaɪ.ki] = tüsi flat top [flæt.tɒp] = a fejtetőn…
Days of the week IDIOMS
Címkék: Black Friday Blue Monday Cyber Monday Black Monday Girl Friday Man Friday
2019.01.29. 06:20
Monday Monday morning feeling: the feeling after the weekend when no-one wants to go to work or school „I’ve got that Monday morning feeling” Black Monday: Monday, October 28, 1929, when the price of shares on the New York Stock Exchange lost a lot of their value, causing very serious economic…