Az alábbi videóban egy érdekes kísérletről, az iható könyvről lesz szó. Alatta pedig elolvashatod a kisfilm teljes szövegét, angol-magyar szószedettel. 


Narrator: 3.4 million people die each year from water related disease. But the even bigger problem, most of them don't even know that water is unsafe to drink in the first place. That's why Water is Life, partnering with scientists and engineers at Carnegie Melon and the University of Virginia, set out to invent a solution that solves both of these problems. Introducing the drinkable book. The first ever tool that teaches safe water habits and is printed on technologically advanced filter paper capable of killing deadly water born diseases.


Dr. Terry Dankovich: My name is Terry Dankovich. I am a chemist. I invented a paper that purifies drinking water. After passing water through our filter, we found a reduction of greater than 99.9% in bacterial count, which is comparable to the tap water in this country.


Narrator: The book uses a brand new type of paper that works like a scientific coffee filter. Each piece is coated with silver nano-particles which kill disease like Cholera, E. Cholerae [SP] and Typhoid.


Brian Gartside: The orange color paper is a direct result of the addition of the silver nano-particles and at the end of the day, the most important thing and really the hero of this whole project is the technology behind it.


Narrator: The book itself works in three easy steps. Simply tear out a filter, slide it into the custom filter box and pour contaminated water through. What comes out is safe to drink. The content on each page, printed in food grade ink, educates people about safe water habits, things that we take for granted, such as keeping trash and feces away from your water source. But the best part of the book isn't just that it purifies water or teaches proper sanitation, it's the fact that this filter paper will revolutionize water purification. It costs only pennies to produce, making it by far the cheapest option on the market and it's extremely sustainable. Each filter is capable of giving someone up to 30 days worth of clean water and each book is capable of providing someone with clean water for up to four years. To learn how you can provide a filter book for a community in need, head to


water related disease = vízzel összefüggésbe hozható betegség

unsafe to drink = nem biztonságos a fogyasztása

to invent a solution = előállni egy megoldással

the first ever tool = minden idők első olyan eszköze

is printed on technologically advanced filter paper = technológiailag fejltett szűrőpapírra van nyomtatva

capable of killing  = képes elpusztítani 

to purify drinking water = megtisztítani az ivóvizet

reduction = csökkenés

in bacterial count = a baktériumok számában

tap water = csapvíz

brand new = vadonatúj

coated with silver nano-particles = ezüst nano-részecskékkel bevont

Typhoid = tífusz

direct result of = a közvetlen eredménye vminek

the technology behind it = a mögötte lévő technológia

tear out a filter = tépj ki egy szűrőt

slide it into sth = csúsztasd be vhová

pour contaminated water = önts szennyezett vizet

content = tartalom

food grade ink = élelmiszer minőségű festék

take for granted = magától értetődően vesz

to keep trash and feces away from sth = távol tartani a szemetet és a székletet

water source = víz forrása

teaches proper sanitation = megtanít a megfelelő higiéniára

revolutionize water purification = forradalmasítja a víztisztítást

costs only pennies = csak fillérekbe (pennikbe) kerül

by far the cheapest option = messze a legolcsóbb megoldás

extremely sustainable = rendkívül tartós, fenntartható

provide = biztosít

up to = maximum, legfeljebb

a community in need = rászoruló közösség

head to = keresd fel, látogasd meg

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tanarbazis 2015.09.16. 14:46:25


A budapesti magántanár-adatbázis!

Keress tanárt vagy jelentkezz Te is tanárnak! Kérünk oszd meg, mert másnak is szüksége lehet rá!


tanarbazis 2015.09.16. 18:52:50


Az online (skype-on) tanító magántanárok adatbázisa!,

Keress tanárt vagy jelentkezz Te is tanárnak! Kérünk oszd meg, mert másnak is szüksége lehet rá!

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