Bizarre Sleeping Habits

Címkék: alvás sleep sleeping

2014.07.29. 06:06

Az alábbiakban néhány híres ember furcsa alvási szokásairól , majd pedig 10 alvással kapcsolatos kifejezést olvashatsz:

1. Emily Brontë

The 19th century novelist and poet suffered from insomnia and walked around her dining room table to get sleepy.


2. Sir Winston Churchill

He was known to be a night owl and would often work through the night. But every day at 5 p.m., the prime minister would drink a weak whisky and soda before taking a nap for nearly two hours. Churchill said this "siesta," or short nap, allowed him to get one and a half day's worth of work out of every 24 hours.


3. Leonardo da Vinci

His sleep schedule included 20-minute naps every four hours.


4. Eminem (alias Marshall Bruce Mathers)

Most people put dark shades on their windows to keep their rooms dark, but rapper Eminem takes it to another level by wrapping tin foil around his windows to get better quality sleep.


5. Charles Dickens

He always kept a navigation compass with him to ensure that he wrote and slept facing north and believed that this quirky practice improved his creativity. Dickens supposedly suffered from insomnia.


6. Nikola Tesla

The inventor never slept for more than two hours a day.


7. Thomas Edison

He slept less than 5 hours a night. While working in his lab, he allowed himself almost no sleep for days.
However he was also known to sleep for an entire day, waking only to take a light meal, and then it was back to bed.


8. Albert Einstein

He liked to sleep 10 hours a night – unless he was working very hard on an idea; then it was 11. He claimed that his dreams helped him to invent. Also he felt that naps “refreshed the mind” and that they helped him to be more creative.

9. Napoleon Bonaparte

He slept only from 12 pm to 2 am and then he woke up, worked and went to bed again at 5 am and woke up at 7 am It means he slept only 4 hours a night.


10. Sir Isaac Newton

He needed only 3-4 hours of sleep daily. He worked so long and hard, often without sleep for days that he became ill from exhaustion.


to suffer from insomnia = álmatlanságban szenvedni

a night owl = éjszakai bagoly
nap = szundikálás
allow = enged

dark shade = sötét árnyékoló, redőny
to wrap = betakarni, befedni
tin foil = alufólia

compass = iránytű
ensure = biztosít, gondoskodik
facing north = északi irányba nézve
quirky practice = furcsa szokás

lab = laboratórium
an entire day = egy teljes nap

unless = hacsak nem, kivéve ha
to claim = állítani
invent = feltalál
refresh the mind = felfrissíti az elmét

ill from exhaustion = beteg a kimerültségtől


Alvással kapcsolatos kifejezések:

1. to sleep like a log = aludni, mint a bunda
2. to sleep on sth = aludni vmire (egy döntés előtt)
3. to hit the sack = elmenni aludni
4. to turn in = nyugovóra térni
5. to have forty winks = ebéd után szundikálni
6. to lose sleep over sth = aggódni vmiért
7. not sleep a wink = egy szemhunyásnyit sem alszik
8. to oversleep = elaludni, túl későn ébredni
9. a night owl = éjszakai bagoly
10. an early riser = koránkelő




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