All about Money

Címkék: money

2013.07.30. 10:36

Match each of the Hungarian phrase with their English equivalent and complete the sentences with one of the money-related expressions.



  1. bread and butter                               A. 1000 (ált. dollár vagy font)
  2. breadline                                            B. aprópénz
  3. buy off                                               C. árral nem törődni
  4. chickenfeed                                        D. csavargó, koldus, lecsúszott ember
  5. chipped in                                          E. dollár vagy font
  6. deadbeat                                           F. egy szelet a tortából          
  7. fiver                                                   G. fillérekből készül vmi vagy él vki
  8. gravy train                                         H. gyors, könnyű meggazdagodás
  9. hang the cost /expense                     I. hozzájárulni vmihez
  10. K                                                        J. pénzkidobás
  11. a piece of the pie                               K. lefizetni vkit         
  12. pouring money down the drain         L. létminimum
  13. on a shoestring                                 M. megélhetés
  14. smackers                                           N. £5 bankjegy
  15. tighten my belt                                 O. összehúzni a nadrágszíjat

Answers: 1M; 2L; 3K, 4B; 5I; 6D; 7N; 8H; 9C; 10A; 11F; 12J; 13G; 14E; 15O

A. It cost me 50 .................................. to get that window fixed.

B. He's a real ............................. who's never had a proper job.

C. His car cost him £20...............

D. I've had to ................................. since I stopped working full-time.

E. .......................... means to make a living with little effort.

F. Can you change a tenner (= £10) for two ..........................?

G. They're losing $200,000 on this deal, but that's .............................. to/for a company with yearly profits of $25 million.

H. Just buy it and .........................!

I. They tried to ....... the guard at the bank ........ but he told the police and the gang was arrested.

J. They all ........................ £100 and bought their mother a trip to Greece.

K. Gardening is my ............................. at the moment.

L. The US advertising firm is investing heavily to get a bigger .................... in Eastern Europe.

M. The film was made ...................................

N. Most students are on the...................................

O. What a waste! Buying that old car is just ................................


A-smackers; B-deadbeat; C-K; D-tighten my belt; E-gravy train; F-fivers; G-chickenfeed; H-hang the cost / expense; I-buy off; J-chipped in; K-bread and butter; L-peice of the pie; M-on a shoestring; N-breadline; O-pouring money down the drain

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