Sosem értettem, miért rajonganak a nők Brad Pitt-ért, de még a legújabb Chanel reklámot megnézve sem tudom a választ. Pedig a nagy múltú cég igazán rendhagyó kampányba kezdett. Brad Pitt személyében, fennállásuk óta most először választottak férfit leghíresebb termékük a Chanel No. 5 reklámarcának. Volt már a cég arca korábban Marylin Monroe, aki “semmi mást nem viselt az ágyban a parfümön kívül”, de Nicola Kidman, Catherina Deneuve és Audrey Tautou is képviselte már a Chanelt.

A félperces videóban - Mr Jolie-n kívül - érdemes a szövegre is odafigyelni, melynek hiába érthető minden szava könnyedén, az egésznek olyan az értelme, mintha idegen nyelvből lett volna angolra fordítva Google Fordító-val ...

"It's not a journey." "Every journey ends, but we go on. The world turns and we turn with it. Plans disappear. Dreams take over. But wherever I go, there you are — my luck, my fate, my fortune. Chanel No. 5. Inevitable."

A few things about the commercial and Chanel:

  1. Brad Pitt made his debut as the first male face of Chanel's iconic No.5 fragrance on Monday, in an ad campaign that had fans and fashionistas split on the actor's latest role.
  2. Shot in black and white, a thoughtful Brad gives a monologue to camera in the Shakespearean tradition.
  3. He’s got $7m for the gig
  4. Chanel have also released a number of mini videos - a maximum of just eight seconds each featuring father-of-six Mr Jolie. In them the actor posing odd questions in his whispering voice to the viewer, including:

“Are you going somewhere? Where?”

“Do you feel lucky?  Why?”

“What is the mystery?”

5. According to Chanel “To keep a legend fresh, you always have to change its point of  view. It is the first time we've had a man speaking about a women's fragrance. We  think very much that the perfume is a seduction between a man, a woman and the  perfume. No.5 is our leading fragrance, and we are willing to make the investment to keep it on that level.

....and some comments:

  • This embarrassingly awful commercial is no joke. It is a real, actual thing that someone thinks will get your grandmother to buy more perfume."
  • "Try not to laugh when you watch this"
  • "Bad hair style, horrible taste..."
  • Why use an American to sell a French product?"
  • "The things he says makes no sense whatsoever."
  • Too much hype over Chanel No. 5”.


gig = kb. előadás, produkció

to pose odd questions = furcsa kérdéseket tenni fel

whispering voice = suttogó hang

fragnace = illat

seduction = csábítás

embarrassingly = zavarba ejtően

whatsoever = bármilyen

hype = felhajtás

Source: Daily Mail; The Telegraph; Reuters, TIME, YouTube

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