Izlandon 2009-ben zárt be a MsDonald's gyorséttermi lánc. Az utolsó napokban vásárolt sajtburgert és sültkrumplit még ugyanabban az évben a vevő felajánlotta az ország Nemzeti Múzeumának. Jelenleg egy diákszállón tekinthető meg a "műtárgy", amely még ma is igen jó állapotban van.


Last McDonald's Burger in Iceland on Display


from: www.dailymail.co.uk


The final McDonald’s burger to be sold in Iceland before the chain closed its doors in the country in October 2009 is on display at the Bus Hostel in Reykjavík. The man who purchased the last burger, Hjörtur Smárason, had kept it in his garage for three years before donating it to the National Museum of Iceland when he moved to Denmark.

He said that after a year the museum returned the burger to him after a specialist had told the museum that “hamburgers should not be kept at the National Museum,” mbl.is reports. 

According to the Bus Hostel’s manager Aðalheiður Ýr Gestsdóttir, people are surprised by the good condition of the burger, more than five years after it was prepared. “Some people have even stolen some of the fries,” she said, adding that a security camera is now in place.

Hjörtur told mbl.is that his offer to re-donate the National Museum still stands.

from: http://icelandreview.com/news/2015/01/28/last-mcdonalds-burger-iceland-display

chain = (étterem)lánc

to be on display = ki van állítva

hostel = diákszálló, kollégium

to purchase [pəːtʃəs] = vásárolni

to donate = felajánlani

to report = tudósítani

according to = vki szerint

to be surprised = meglepődni

good condition = jó állapot

to prepare = elkészíteni

to add = hozzátenni

offer = ajánlat

still stand = még mindig áll (pl. ajánlat)

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