20 Facts about John F. Kennedy

Címkék: JFK Kennedy

2013.11.22. 06:28

50 évvel ezelőtt, 1963 november 22-én lett merénylet áldozata John F. Kennedy. Az alábbiakban 20 érdekességet olvashatsz az egykori elnökről.


1. Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts in 1917, the second of nine siblings.

2. JFK served as his father's secretary for six months in 1938 while he was ambassador to Great Britain.

3. Kennedy suffered back problems most of his life as well as having Addison’s disease.

4. JFK married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier in 1953. She was 12 years younger than Kennedy.

5. In 1955, he wrote Profiles in Courage, which won the Pulitzer Prize in history in 1957.

6. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was inaugurated as the 35th president of the US Jan. 20, 1961.

7. JFK won the election by only 120,000 votes out of 70 million cast in one of the closest elections in history.

8. At the time of his inauguration, Kennedy was the youngest president elected to the office at age 43 and later the youngest to die at the age of 46.

9. JFK was the first and only Roman Catholic president elected to date.

10. Kennedy reportedly had affairs with a number of women, including Marilyn Monroe.

11. JFK was a natural speed reader. He would read 6 newspapers from cover to cover while he had breakfast.

12. Kennedy was shot by two bullets in Dallas, Texas at 12.30 pm. Nov. 22, 1963.

13. Despite rushing to hospital, Kennedy was pronounced dead after arrival.

14. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested in a Texas movie theatre, less than 90 minutes after Kennedy's shooting.

15. Oswald was shot by nightclub operator Jack Ruby while being transferred from the city jail to Dallas county jail.

16. Kennedy was the fourth president to be assassinated and the eighth to die in office.

17. Lyndon Johnson took the oath of office aboard Air Force One two hours after Kennedy's assassination.

18. At the time of John F. Kennedy's death, two of his other siblings had already died.

19. JFK's younger brother Robert was also assassinated. He died in 1968, after being shot in a hotel in Los Angeles 26 hours earlier having won the California primary.

20. Kennedy's widow later remarried. She became Jacqueline Onassis in 1968.


sibling = testvér

ambassador = nagykövet

to suffer = szenvedni (vmilyen betegségben)

as well as = csakúgy, mint

disease = betegség

inaugurated = beiktatva

cast = szavazat

reportedly = állítólag

speed reader = gyorsolvasó

from cover to cover = elejétől a végéig (újság)

bullet = golyó

to be pronounced dead = halottnak nyilvánítva

jail = börtön

to be assassinated = merénylet áldozata

to take the oath of office = hivatali esküt tenni

aboard = fedélzet

primary = előválasztás

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