Flowers & trees

Címkék: garden trees flowers interesting plants

2013.05.27. 16:51

Szombaton a vácrátóti arborétumban jártunk, ahol rengeteg szép és ritka növényt láttunk, többek közt  az egyik leghíresebbet, a talaj fölé cseppkő alakú légzőgyökeret növesztő mocsárciprust.


Az alábbiakban néhány érdekességet olvashatsz  különböző növényekről.


1. Rafflesia (Rafflézia)

The largest single flower is the Rafflesia. It can grow up to 100 cm in diameter. The flowers look and smell like rotten body.

diameter = átmérő     rotten = rothadó, bomló


2.   Tulip bulbs (Tulipánhagymák)

Tulip bulbs were more valuable than gold in Holland in the 1600s. The bulbs can be used as a substitute for onions in cooking.

valuable = értékes      substitute = helyettesítő


3. Sunflower (Napraforgó)

Sunflowers can be used to extract toxic elements from soil. After Chernobyl disaster, they were use to remove radioactive contaminants.

extract = kivon, eltávolít       soil = talaj       disaster = katasztrófa                       

remove = eltávolítani           contaminant = szennyező anyag


4. Venus flytrap (Vénusz légycsapója)  

A carnivorous plant which catches its prey, chiefly insects.

carnivorous = húsevő           prey = zsákmány        insect = rovar



5.  Victoria amazonica (Amazonasi óriás tündérrózsa) 

Its huge leaves can reach 3 m in diameter and they can easily support the weight of a small child.

support = tart, támaszt



6. Amorphophallus titanum (Óriáskonytvirág vagy titánbuzogány)

The height of the flower can be over 3 metres. Due to its odour, which is reminiscent of the smell of a decomposing mammal, is also known as the "corpse flower".

due to = vminek köszönhetően         odour = szag             

reminiscent = emlékeztet      decompose = lebomló          corpse = tetem


7. Albizzia falcata

The fastest growing tree in the world, albizia falcata can grow to 5 meters in a year.

the fastest growing = a leggyorsabban növekvő


8. Puya Raimondii (Havasi bromélia)

The slowest flowering plant in the world from the Andes mountains. This plant takes 150 years to make one flower.

flowering = virágzó


9. Rainbow eucalyptus, (Szivárvány eukaliptuszfa)

The spectacular colours are created when 'rainbow' eucalyptus trees shed their bark, revealing bright splashes of green, orange and purple beneath.

spectacular = látványos        shed = vedlés                       bark = kéreg   

reveal = felfed, megmutat


10. Cypress knee (Mocsárciprus)

Their main characteristic is the distinctive structures formed above the soil. They may help in oxygenation to the tree's roots or assist in anchoring the tree in the soft, muddy soil.

distinctive = különleges, sajátos        anchor = rögzít            muddy = mocsaras, sáros


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